Frank Lin PIAT <> writes:

> This thread will come over again and again until:

> 4. The following MUA are fixed to behave "properly" when a user
>    press "reply":

Those MUAs already *do* the right thing when a user presses “reply to
author” (sometimes just called “reply”): they reply to the author or,
if the author sets a ‘Reply-To’ field, to the author's chosen reply
address from that field.

The correct MUA command to use when replying to a list is “reply to
list”, which follows the information set by the list software in the
RFC 2369 fields on every message.

Many of the more popular MUAs on your list have this command already,
and they do the right thing. (Unless the list software in question is
misconfigured to munge the author's message and add a bogus Reply-To
field which the author didn't set.)

So I'd modify your point above to say: “Until the following MUAs are
fixed to have a proper RFC-2369-conformant “reply to list” command”,
and reducing the list of recalcitrant MUAs accordingly.

> /me uses Debian's default MUA
> /me tries hard to avoid CC'ing sender.

It's quite easy: use the “reply to list” command when you want your
reply to go to the list.

 \         Legionnaire: “We have their leader captive!”  Cæsar: “Is he |
  `\       bound?”  Legionnaire: “Of his health I know not, sir.” —The |
_o__)                    Goon Show, _The Histories Of Pliny The Elder_ |
Ben Finney

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