OoO En ce  début d'après-midi ensoleillé du dimanche  07 juin 2009, vers
15:59, Gilles Filippini <> disait :

> It appears that lilypond is actively maintained in ubuntu[1].
> I'd like to take over this package in Debian but I don't know about the
> practices when a package is already maintained in Ubuntu:
> * should I start from the Ubuntu source package?
> * the Ubuntu lilypond release is now 2.12.1-0ubuntu1; what should be the
> debian release then? 2.12.1-1?
> * or simply persuade the ubuntu maintainer to package it for Debian ;)
> (cc-ing him)?

You could also propose to package it as a team.

For the  version number,  yes, Debian version  should be  2.12.1-1.
BOFH excuse #335:
the AA battery in the wallclock sends magnetic interference

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