Le samedi 13 juin 2009 à 23:25 +0900, Charles Plessy a écrit :
> Le Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 10:52:36AM +0200, Josselin Mouette a écrit :
> > 
> > So, how about dropping entirely anything that’s related to files and
> > only keep the amount of information we are requiring now?  I feel sorry
> > for the giant bikeshedding thread about spaces and commas, but it is not
> > getting us anywhere.

>   Your debian/copyright file must contain the following information:
>    - The author(s) name
>    - The year(s) of the copyright
>    - The used license(s)
>    - The URL to the upstream source
>   In many packages there is more than one author, more than one
>   copyright-holder and more than one license. Do not miss to list them
>   all, even if that other license is just for one file. Yes, any single
>   file is important.
> This very strict rule was re-confirmed a few hours ago by one of the Project's
> archive administrators.

Good. Nowhere does it make any mention of source filenames.

Now please drop that shit from your proposal, and maybe we can discuss
it sanely without counting commas.

 .''`.      Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'   “I recommend you to learn English in hope that you in
  `-     future understand things”  -- Jörg Schilling

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