Marco d'Itri wrote:
> On May 31, md wrote:
>> The issue was raised by the udev upstream maintainer along with the udev
>> package maintainers of the major distributions, who all agreed that this
>> configuration is not supported.
> FYI, udev 146 ships usb-id and pci-id programs which read
> /usr/share/misc/usb.ids and /usr/share/misc/pci.ids .

Wouldn't make it sense then if udev had a recommends or at least suggests for
usbutils and pciutils?

> udev itself does not care about the results of these programs but other
> programs which used to use HAL may do, leading to subtle breakage.

How will usb-id and pci-id behave, if the ids files are not accessible?

> There are no obvious workarounds and I have no plan to fight against
> this, if you need it to work on systems with a standalone /usr then
> feel free to persuade the relevant maintainers to move the files.
> I also opened #544503 because supporting a standalone /var looks like
> a worthwhile effort, while supporting updating usb.ids with a script
> instead of apt looks like a complete idiocy.

I agree with you. Given that I had more than once bug reports against hal due to
broken pci.ids or usb.ids files, I'd prefer if update-usbids and update-pciids
would go away.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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