hi zack,

On Tue, Nov 03, 2009 at 10:49:42PM +0100, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> Reading ยง5.3 of the above link, I wonder whether the following solution
> would be appropriate:
> - ship under /etc/apache2/conf.d/ a snippet with an Alias dir mapping
>   the package name to a dir containing the static content (a single html
>   file, usually)
> - add an index.html -> file.html symlink in that dir
> For the end user, the change would be from accessing the app as
> http://localhost/file.html to accessing it as http://localhost/package/.
> Would that be appropriate?
> Also, can we do anything better---still remaining FHS-compatible---than
> documenting that in a NEWS.Debian entry to ease transition to the new
> URL?

You can also Alias a path to a file (i.e. keeping things fairly transparent to
the user), though i'd argue that moving it to the latter would be better in the
long run.


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