On Sun, 15 Nov 2009 19:53:02 +0000
Mark Hymers <m...@debian.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 15, Nov, 2009 at 02:37:56PM -0500, Joey Hess spoke thus..
> > Andreas Metzler wrote:
> > > FWIW dpkg does the smart thing by default. It uses gzip (both
> > > for the debian packages and and debian.tar) but searches for both
> > > foo_42.orig.tar.bz2 and .gz. Explicitely passing an option is required
> > > to get bz2 compression for binary packages and/or debian.tar.
> > 
> > Note that debootstrap does not support data.tar.bz2.
> I think there's some confusion here between source and binary formats.
> The announcement was referring to bzip2 when used as part of a source
> upload.  As far as I can tell from looking in the git logs, dak has
> supported data.tar.bz2 since 2005, so I'm surprised that this has never
> been an issue before if debootstrap can't handle it.

debootstrap-1.0.20/functions: extract

                progress "$p" "$#" EXTRACTPKGS "Extracting packages"
                packagename="$(echo "$pkg" | sed 's,^.*/,,;s,_.*$,,')"
                info EXTRACTING "Extracting %s..." "$packagename"
                ar -p "./$pkg" data.tar.gz | zcat | tar -xf -

So it appears to be a case of "debootstrap might not have come across
any packages that use data.tar.bz2, yet" - the range of packages that
debootstrap has to handle is quite limited.

I don't suppose there's a list anywhere, so anyone know which packages
are already using data.tar.bz2 ?

deb-gview is also affected by this but I haven't had any bug reports.
Fairly easy to fix that in deb-gview though due to the use of

multistrap will also be affected.

In comparison, using foo_1.0.0.orig.tar.bz2 isn't much of a problem.
I've been adding .tar.bz2 upstream to most of my projects but
the .tar.gz still gets >95% of the downloads, despite being ~100k

If someone using data.tar.bz2 in their packages can let me know which
packages use it (and why), it would help.


Neil Williams

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