On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 04:15:35PM +0100, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> source-only uploads
> -------------------
> After some discussion about this, there are two opinions within the
> ftp-team about this matter.  Given that other distros experience has
> shown that allowing source only uploads results in a huge loss of
> quality checks and an increased load on the buildds from packages
> FTBFSing everywhere, some members of the team believe that source+binary
> uploads should happen as currently,  but that the maintainer built
> binaries should be rebuilt by the buildds (i.e. be thrown away at accept
> time).  Other members of the team think that we should allow source-only
> uploads and that if some people keep uploading packages which FTBFS
> everywhere (showing a lack of basic testing), this should be dealt with
> by the project in other ways which are out of the scope of the ftp-team.

What's the difference between these options?

If you throw away the binaries, a DD can upload a binary package with a
sole binary that prints out banana and a source package that builds the
right thing presumably.  Are there any checks to prevent that?

I'm trying to work out if you get what you think you do from building
but throwing away that makes it better than entirely source-only.


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