27 декабря 2009 08:10:59 Charles Plessy писали:
> Le Sat, Dec 26, 2009 at 04:02:27AM +0300, Ivan Borzenkov a écrit :
> > Examples
> >
> > amarok (parent:-, application)
> > amarok-common (parent:amapok, hide)
> > amarok-utils (parent:amapok, hide)
> >
> > amarok
> > -----------------------------------------------------------
> > psi-plis (parent:-, application)
> > psi-plis-plugins (parent:psi-plis, mod)
> > psimedia (parent:psi-plis, mod)
> >
> > psi-plis
> > - psi-plis-plugins
> > - psimedia
> > -----------------------------------------------------------
> Dear Ivan,
> it seems that what you seek can be achieved by improving the support for
> meta-packages instead. See for instance http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep6/
>  and the recent disussion on this list.
> Have a nice day,
No, the meta-packages do not provide the functionality that I have described 
is essentially meta-packages are sometimes interfere when you want to remove a 
small portion of the meta-package, such package kde-full.

Иван Борзенков <ivan1...@list.ru>

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