On Thu, Jan 07, 2010 at 02:35:47PM +0100, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> Hello,
> since version 4.10, reportbug checks the return code of the package
> bug scripts and, it != 0, ask the user if to continue or stop. This is
> the way we decided to fix #382010 .
> But now I'm wondering if there could be a use case of allowing the
> scripts to unconditionally stop reportbug, for example using a
> "special" exit code (140 f.e.) .
> I don't have a strong feeling about it, and letting a program abort
> reportbug without a clear explanation to users might be bad, but I'd
> like to hear what do you think about it.
> If a relevant number of you prefers to have this "fast way out", I'm
> going and code it, else we can go on with the solution currently in
> place.

What's the use case of this? I've read the bug report saying "my
/usr/share/bug script"... but which one?

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