On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 06:15:26PM +0200, Julian Andres Klode wrote:
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: wishlist
> Owner: Julian Andres Klode <j...@debian.org>
> * Package name    : dh-autoreconf
>   Version         : 1
>   Upstream Author : Julian Andres Klode <j...@debian.org>
> * License         : GPL-2
>   Programming Lang: Perl
>   Description     : debhelper add-on to call autoreconf and clean up after 
> the build
> Package: dh-autoreconf
> Architecture: all
> Depends: ${misc:Depends}, autoconf, automake | automaken, libtool
> Description: debhelper add-on to call autoreconf and clean up after the build
>  dh-autoreconf provides a debhelper sequence addon named 'autoreconf' and two
>  commands, dh_autoreconf and dh_autoreconf_clean.
>  .
>  The dh_autoreconf command creates a list of the files and their checksums,
>  calls autoreconf and then creates a second list for the new files.
>  .
>  The dh_autoreconf_clean command compares these two lists and removes all
>  files which have been added or changed (files may be excluded if needed).
> I am using this inside the gnome-main-menu package and it works perfectly,
> although a bit slow because it creates md5sums of the whole source tree
> two times (I may add an option to use timestamp+size instead for larger
> source packages).

It seems that we could also read the requested versions of automake and
autoconf from debian/control and export them automatically using:

 # Setup the environment for autoreconf to run the correct versions
 sub program {
     my $program=shift;
     my $version="";
     open (CONTROL, 'debian/control') ||
         error("cannot read debian/control: $!\n");

     foreach my $builddeps (join('', <CONTROL>) =~ 
             /^Build-Depends[^:]*:.*\n(?:^[^\w\n].*\n)*/gmi) {
         while ($builddeps =~ /$program([0-9.]+)/g) {
             error("Multiple versions of $program requested ($version, $1)") if
                  ($version ne "");
     close CONTROL;
     return $version eq "" ? $program : $program."-".$version;

 $ENV{"AUTOCONF"} = program("autoconf") if not defined $ENV{"AUTOCONF"};
 $ENV{"AUTOHEADER"} = program("autoconf") if not defined $ENV{"AUTOHEADER"};
 $ENV{"ACLOCAL"} = program("automake") if not defined $ENV{"ACLOCAL"};
 $ENV{"AUTOMAKE"} = program("automake") if not defined $ENV{"AUTOMAKE"};

Does this sound like a good idea?

Julian Andres Klode  - Debian Developer, Ubuntu Member

See http://wiki.debian.org/JulianAndresKlode and http://jak-linux.org/.

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