On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 10:22:55PM +0200, Matthias Klumpp wrote:
> Hello!
> Cause binaries generated by the FPC (FreePascalCompiler) produce the
> Lintian error "embedded-zlib", I cannot upload a new version of a package I
> maintain which overrides this error. (It's not allowed to override it at
> time)

You can override this.  I do so for plt-scheme.

> So I started some research why this error is shown. FPC - generally - does
> not link any lib statically, so this ZLib error is bit strange.
> How does Lintian detect the embedded zlib in binaries?

From /usr/share/lintian/checks/binaries:

    if ($info->field('source') ne 'zlib' and $info->field('source') ne 'klibc'
        and $strings =~ /(?:in|de)flate (?:\d[ \w.\-]{1,20}[\w.\-])/m) {
        tag "embedded-zlib", $file;

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