On 17:07 Tue 27 Apr     , Kip Warner wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-04-28 at 00:32 +0200, Benjamin Drung wrote:
> > 
> > The best solution would be autodetection of SSE2 on runtime. That can
> > be
> > done with a few lines of code. 
> You're right, that can indeed be done with a few lines of code. e.g.
> cpuid instruction. The problem is that you then have to perform a branch
> every time you could potentially use hardware acceleration: a condition
> for when, say, SSE2 is available, and another for a generic
> implementation.
> It isn't ideal performance wise.

Agreed. It's not the way we should go.

> Perhaps for 32-bit x86 architectures where SIMD is required, I could
> build the package for i686 and have it detect at runtime before said is
> actually used, whether it is available or not. If it is not, raise a
> user visible error and terminate.
> This method assumes the user knows that it is only supported on P4 or
> later generation of x86.

The point is that only few software use this kind of acceleration.

If you really want to have SS2 and such activated, I suggest to do a rebuilt of
all packages on your machine with your own architecture compilation options.

We want to keep i386 or 'i486' compatible and not loose any performance due to
performing a branch everytime you can activate an architecture optimization.
And if we go through such a way, it will be hard for developers to maintain
packages and it will require a lot of manpower.

 ,''`. Xavier Oswald (xosw...@debian.org)
: :' : GNU/LINUX Debian Developer <http://www.debian.org> 
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