On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 12:13:41 -0700
Mike Bird <mgb-deb...@yosemite.net> wrote:

> On Thu July 22 2010 11:28:49 Neil Williams wrote:
> > Removing packages from testing does not remove them from any
> > existing installation, so it's hard to see how the removal of
> > packages which are plainly not suitable for release in stable
> > supports an assertion that testing is somehow not intended for real
> > users.
> Real users have to be able to recreate a dead system or install
> new systems at any time.

Really?? That seems far beyond the requirements of most "ordinary"
users. Exceptional users could always arrange a local mirror, which
doesn't have to remove packages.

> We actually have a few Testing packages (e.g. WordPress) in our
> mostly-Stable servers and we backup copies of those Testing packages
> both on-site and off-site against the vagaries of the Testing masters.

These are not vagaries - packages are only removed from testing for
essential reasons.
> We used to use Testing for desktops and laptops, but the hassle
> of disappearing packages was not worth it. 

Any stats on that? Just how many packages were affected? Before or
after a release freeze was announced?


Neil Williams

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