
On Freitag, 24. September 2010, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Quoting Obey Arthur Liu (art...@milliways.fr):
> > > (That said, THANKS!!!! for doing it, I imagine it's quite a bit of work
> > > and I share your enthusiasm that it looks like many of the students
> > > will stay with Debian even after the GSoC projects are "finished".)
> >
> > Thanks. We all hope they (you students!) do.
> Yes. Thanks for the work you did for the GSOC this year, and the year
> before, Arthur.
> I think that these GSOC years have been a great success for Debian and
> already gave great results, at least for the parts I witnessed in the
> respective development lists (the two d-i releated projects, and
> developments for apt and aptitude).
> You really deserve tons of thanks for your work *including the report
> you posted*. Without all this work, there wouldn't have been any GSOC
> in Debian this year: I hope that many people in the project are aware
> of this. And I certainly don't want to see you discouraged by an
> inappropriate followup.

Indeed, thanks Arthur and all others who did actual work on GSoC! And thanks 
to Christian too, for finding proper words.


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