>>"Adam" == Adam P Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Adam> I don't understand why the debian developers are undertaking to
Adam> maintain debianified version of Perl modules when the CPAN
Adam> module and its mechanisms are so much more native to Perl, are
Adam> well-supported by the Perl community, etc?  Besides, Perl
Adam> already has it's own automated upgrade system (CPAN), it's own
Adam> configuration mgmt system (Config), and it's own automated
Adam> compilation and installation system (MakeMaker).

Adam> It seems like making work for no good reason.  Let all the Perl
Adam> modules be installed by way of CPAN.  You could even have simple
Adam> scripts driving installation.  I really feel we'd have a better
Adam> and more supported Perl product that way.

        How do I remove packages using cpan? Can I downgrade to a
 lower version? make sure that all modules I have installed are
 upgraded? Ensure that the perl modules that are available for auto
 handling have been looked over by an expert, *for the Debian system*
 specifically? Can other packages, that need modules, determine that
 they have been installed on my machine? Can I hold a module to a
 the current version, even if new versions are available, while
 updating the rest? 

        I think you underestimate the work a systems integrator does.

        I am planning on creating a make-ppkg package that shall
 create perl packages just like make-kpkg creates kernel-image
 packages, but I'm still recovering from a disk crash, and I have
 other commitments at the moment.

 After winning the decathlon, Jim Thorpe was told by the King of
 Sweden, "You are the world's greatest athlete." Thorpe replied,
 "Thanks, King."
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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