On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 10:56:28AM +0200, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> Hello world,
> as previously announced[1] we had a FTPMaster meeting in the
> LinuxHotel[2] in Essen during the week from March 21st till 27th. While
> there have been[3] quite[4] a number[5] of blog[6] posts[7] about this
> meeting[8], a more formal set of minutes seems to be called for, so here
> we go.

Hello FTP {masters,assistants,fanboys}, DSA, buildd admins, etc.,
  thanks for your frenetic hacking week and for the way in which you've
kept the rest of the Debian community up to date with what was going on.

For even more transparency, and its durability in time, I've updated the
sprint wiki page http://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/2011/FtpMasterSprint
with pointers to your agenda, reports, blog posts, etc. Please review it
to check I haven't overlooked anything.

(Shameless plug: sprints and their transparency are very important for
 Debian to get work done and avoid the risks of cabal-ish
 meetings. That's why I routinely ask sprint participants to help me out
 in maintaining the information at http://wiki.debian.org/Sprints
 current. It's working well, but it still is quite an amount of work. If
 anyone out there is willing to help in sprint organization and
 documentation, I would *love* that. Please mail me at <leader@d.o> if
 you'd like to *volunteer* as a little sprint organization helper.)

> And before we finally bore you with the details of our work, let us tell
> you that there is again a good reason to send condolences to one of our
> team members. Similar to our last meeting where we took the opportunity
> to welcome a new FTPMaster, we are now torturing Ansgar Burchardt,
> having made him FTP Assistant. And like our last promotion - he also
> didn't run away screaming.

Condolences^W Welcome on board, Ansgar!

>   If you want to access the database on ries, use psql service=projectb,
>   it will do the right thing for you. Should you use projectb access for
>   one of your own projects, to gather whatever data it provides, keep in
>   mind that we do not guarantee any kind of schema stability there. But if
>   you can specify your needs we can always think about creating a view for
>   you - or exporting the data in a defined format like
>   RFC822/Yaml/whatever if it makes more sense or a direct projectb access
>   is impractical. Just talk to us.

As I routinely end participating in discussions with DDs saying
"ProjectB-what?", I've mentioned this at http://wiki.debian.org/ProjectB
and linked it from the FTPMaster wiki page. If you have suggestions on
where to better document it please let me know or, better, provide

>   This is, of course, just a first step towards being able to build
>   .all debs on the buildds.

Related to this, in your agendas you did mention the topic of "throwaway
DD built .debs". I understand from the minutes that no specific hacking
on that has been done (understandably given how much other stuff has
been going on!), but have you advanced on the design of that? I believe
it's a very important technical advancement we need to guarantee all
packages are built equally. Do you have any other news to share about

>  - A dak package to upload into unstable.  Although that's coming Real
>    Soon Now, honest (especially as one of the ftpteam needs it...).


Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
zack@{upsilon.cc,pps.jussieu.fr,debian.org} -<>- http://upsilon.cc/zack/
Quando anche i santi ti voltano le spalle, |  .  |. I've fans everywhere
ti resta John Fante -- V. Capossela .......| ..: |.......... -- C. Adams

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