Roger Leigh <> writes:

> On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 11:20:45PM +0100, Roger Leigh wrote:
> 1) /etc/init.d/ is broken for some reason.  The "mount -a"
>    invocation fails.  Not because it fails to mount, but it returns a
>    32 exit status because / and /proc are already mounted.
>    Possibly a result of the domtab() changes; but it should be
>    behaving identically to the old version, so possibly unrelated.
>    Possibly already broken and I've just exposed a bug?

If it is what I think it is then I have already filed this bug.

The problem arises because the initramfs mount for proc differs from the
one listed in /etc/fstab. The mount then decides that something else is
mounted on /proc and gives an error. The problem is that initramfs uses
"none" as device while mountkernfs / fstab use "proc".

> 2) Despite only mounting /run once, I'm seeing /run and /run/lock mounted
>    *again* looking at /proc/mounts.  Unsure why this happens, or if it's
>    just artifactual.  /run, /run/lock and /run/init are all correctly
>    visible, but this is a tad strange.

Any bind mounts you forgot about?


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