On Thu, 2011-05-19 at 13:53 +0700, Arief M Utama wrote:
> Hi all,
> First, I gotta say thanks for the awesome work in debian. I'm not a DD, 
> just a long time debian user, been using it since potato era (wow, 
> that's a long time) and I could testify that it has been a fun and 
> joyful ride :)
> I wanna help test and improve suspend-resume framework in debian, from 
> time to time, suspend-resume has not yet been reliable enough for me.
> Latest try with only pm-utils package, I can do hibernate and resume 
> just fine, but suspend and resume does not work, suspend ok, resume fail.

Suspend and resume are normally handled by the kernel, with some help
from initramfs-tools for resuming from disk.  pm-utils is not required
for this, although it has other useful functionality.

> With pm-utils+uswsusp, I can suspend-resume just fine, but 
> hibernate-resume does not work, same thing, hibernate ok, resume fail, 
> on resume I can see the progress of loading back the image data and it 
> goes through to 100% but then it just stop there. Magic sysrq reboot 
> worked though.
> I wanna file bug, but not sure against which package and I wanna try 
> gather more info first before I do it. Like how does it work now without 
> hal?

So long as you don't use uswsusp, the right package is linux-2.6.  If
you do use uswsusp then it could be either package at fault.

> My current test system is a Sony Vaio laptop, with 
> testing/unstable/experimental repository configured (I need experimental 
> for gnome3 packages).
> Do we have a database of quirks and workarounds for suspend-resume? I've 
> only been reading wiki.debian.org/Suspend and not sure if it's up to 
> date (still mentioned hal) and it does not have links to such database.

That page appears to be very outdated.  There is little point in
maintaining a database; any failures belong in a bug tracker.


> Anything I could provide for more info?
> Thanks for the help.
> All the best.
> -arief

Ben Hutchings
Once a job is fouled up, anything done to improve it makes it worse.

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