>> For example, with the diff package:
>> Package: diff - cmp works on identical and different binary or text
>> files - diff works on files, directories, normal or 2 column -
>> sdiff correctly merges two files - diff3 correctly compares 3 files

"Philip" == Philip Hands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> It seems a shame to have to ask people to do this sort of thing.

Yes!  Maybe even against policy?  [Followups on this to debian-policy,

I applaud the ambitiousness of making test suites for debian core
packages, but I wonder whether Debian developers should focus the
packaging and installation system rather than trying to fix all the
bugs in GNU, etc.  In other words, I think the test suite should
focus, at least at the outset, on implementing the policy and making
sure that installation and upgrades go smoothly.  

Here's a draft of a checklist geared to that:

* init scripts, if any, comply with debian policy
  (probably only 20% do now;) 
* package does not modify any files from other packages
* any installation shell scripts work with /bin/sh -> /bin/ash,
  or they specifically have #!/bin/bash
* any installation perl scripts work w/ perl 5.003 (?)
* [de]installation script output complies with policy

Another big thing is that the transition from 1.3 to 2.0 is _very_
smooth, which is not the case now.  Have we defined the supported
upgrade paths?  I know this is all a moving target w/ pkg ordering
stuff apparently coming in and (?) dselect being dropped as the
default installation mechanism.

[BTW, I'm not trying to criticize the current state of hamm, I know
the freeze is a ways off and there's a lot of instability going on.]

.....A. P. [EMAIL PROTECTED]<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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