On Sat, Dec 13, 1997 at 08:45:27PM +0100, Santiago Vila Doncel wrote:

> I have taken over the maintenance of debmake (on a temporary basis).
> Some time ago, Ian said he was going to write a replacement for it, so I'm
> just going to keep debmake frozen and will fix bugs if I receive suitable
> patches.

What about using debhelper rather than having another packaging suite? IIRC
Ian said that debmake was "broken" in some respects and that Debian should
have a decent packaging tool - IMO debhelper fits that nicely :-)

The only complaint I have with packaging is that dpkg needs updating (as we
all know). Some things that debhelper does like "dh_du" (diskspace usage)
should be in dpkg-buildpackage instead.


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