Ian Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm sorry, but it's you who's not following the policy.  Maintainers
> are not required to download non-maintainer releases.  Instead,
> according to the `Developers' Reference' s4.3:
>  Maintainers other than the usual package maintainer should make as few
>  changes to the package as possible, and they should always send a
>  unified context diff (diff -u) detailing their changes to the bug
>  tracking system properly flagged with the correct package so that the
>  usual maintainer is kept aware of the situation.

Ian, I missed this requirement at the time of making these non-maintainer
releases, thank you for bringing it to my attention. I did however mail
the maintainers privately, explaining what changes had been made.

Perhaps this policy should be amended, it really doesn't make much sense
for -0.1 type releases, where the diff would be large compared to the
previous package.


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