On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 10:27:08AM +0200, Stephan Windmüller wrote:
> For more than a half year I am monitoring the state of the non-free
> teamspeak packages. A new upstream version is available for more than a
> year (bug #594318) and there is also a grave bug with an attached patch
> (bug #598304).
> However, there has been no reply by the maintainer of the packages. All
> bugs are unmodified for at least 300 days. I tried to contact him in
> January but since then he did not reply.
> Does anyone know something about this maintainer or the states of these
> packages?

Just for your information: the MIA team is aware of the situation and
trying to solve it. Getting the packages in better shape (by offering
help, possibly NMUing) is appreciated. We're trying to find a nice way
out long-term.

By the way, you can contact the MIA team at m...@qa.debian.org if you
have concerns about maintainers being inactive or unresponsive. Hints to
improve archive quality and quality of life of overworked maintainers
are always welcome.


 .''`.   Jan Hauke Rahm <j...@debian.org>               www.jhr-online.de
: :'  :  Debian Developer                                 www.debian.org
`. `'`   Member of the Linux Foundation                    www.linux.com
  `-     Fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe      www.fsfe.org

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