Package: wnpp
Version: 0.9-1

Checked WNPP/apt for the package and didn't find anything like it.

I already made the package for private purposes before checking.

It was made as there was nothing like it in apt apparently.
The only programs existing were saldi(php) and nonfree windows programs
(and those are a bit different).

Here is the description (I couldn't find anything like it on the WNPP page):

Description: Ncurses book keeping interface/accounting/database editor
Program for typing in vouches on vat customers
(and their gross and netamounts).
The program is based on libcdk5 which is statically linked in.
This program can update,delete,insert vouches into a MySQL database
on different VAT-registered customers and add/edit/remove customers.
gbkeeper can edit records with this info for each customer:
 Vouchid, Date, BookEntry, Grossamount, Netamount, Timestamp.
Vouchid is autoincremented and there are shortcuts for various operations.
It can also be used as a database editor to edit your own databases,
the column count and field names can be changed dynamically in source.
The program supports both . and , as decimal separator and short dates.
(3-2 becomes 03-02-2011 after saving) to speed up typing of vouches.

License: GPLv3+ but code linked in from libcdk5 which is 4-clause BSD.
(I authorized that in the main program as I was told was legal).

Project page:

Project src (linthian pedantic no errors tarball and deb package):

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