On Mon, 15 Dec 1997, Brian Bassett wrote:

> I recently switched to Debian from RedHat 4.2 and the one thing that I
> think that Debian could really use is an administration tool.

I suggested something similar a couple weeks ago and was informed that
this discussion had taken place already. I guess the general consensus was
that we (the Debian folks) should wait for the COAS project
(http://www.caldera.com/coas/) to come to fruition. 

COAS looks to be promising. Caldera's outlines for it call for it to have
curses (text), X, and web interfaces. Supposely, the front-ends will
interact with "configurators" for the various installed packages. The
configurators would, ostensibly, be provided with their respective
packages. Caldera even went so far as to stipulate that configurators have
to display some sort of intelligence (for example, not letting people
enter octets higher than 255 in IP addresses). 

Caldera says that it's all going to e GPL'd. The only question now is, how
long it is going to take. 

- Joe

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