On Fri, 9 Sep 2011 12:42:11 +0200, sean finney wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 09, 2011 at 11:37:41AM +0200, David Paleino wrote:
> > I just wanted to (try to) fix it for the biggest number of people possible.
> > Maybe I'll just leave stable as-is, and try the solution I described within
> > testing/unstable :/
> Another option, as awful as it sounds, is to nuke (or surgically modify)
> the postrm script of the old package from the preinst of the new package.
> You would need to support that until the current stable was rotated out
> through oldstable.  Yes, awful.  But I've seen it done before...

I didn't think to that, and it seems the only solution to ensure clean
upgrade paths.

I'll use the 'old-version' parameter passed to preinst on upgrade, and check
if it's less than the current version in sid.

Will someone kick me hard if I go this way? :)

 . ''`.   Debian developer | http://wiki.debian.org/DavidPaleino
 : :'  : Linuxer #334216 --|-- http://www.hanskalabs.net/
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