The following is a listing of packages for which help has been requested
through the WNPP (Work-Needing and Prospective Packages) system in the
last week.

Total number of orphaned packages: 396 (new: 1)
Total number of packages offered up for adoption: 143 (new: 12)
Total number of packages requested help for: 64 (new: 0)

Please refer to for more information.


The following packages have been orphaned:

   ocaml-book (#644757), orphaned 5 days ago (non-free)
     Description: English book: "Developing applications with Objective
     Installations reported by Popcon: 109

395 older packages have been omitted from this listing, see for a complete list.


The following packages have been given up for adoption:

   clp (#645081), offered yesterday
     Description: Coin-or linear programming solver
     Reverse Depends: coinor-libcbc0 coinor-libcgl0 coinor-libclp-dev
       coinor-libclp0-dbg coinor-libosi0 coinor-libsymphony0
     Installations reported by Popcon: 108

   coinor-cbc (#645087), offered yesterday
     Description: Coin-or branch-and-cut mixed integer programming solver
     Reverse Depends: coinor-libcbc-dev coinor-libcbc0-dbg mccs
     Installations reported by Popcon: 43

   coinor-cgl (#645080), offered yesterday
     Description: Cut Generator Library, a library of cutting-plane
     Reverse Depends: coinor-libcbc0 coinor-libcgl-dev coinor-libcgl0-dbg
     Installations reported by Popcon: 99

   coinor-csdp (#645079), offered yesterday
     Description: A software package for semidefinite programming
     Reverse Depends: coinor-csdp-dbg
     Installations reported by Popcon: 32

   coinor-dylp (#645078), offered yesterday
     Description: Linear programming solver using the dynamic simplex
     Reverse Depends: coinor-libdylp-dev coinor-libdylp0-dbg
     Installations reported by Popcon: 108

   coinor-flopc++ (#645076), offered yesterday
     Description: Formulation of Linear Optimization Problems in C++
     Reverse Depends: coinor-libflopc++-dev coinor-libflopc++0-dbg
     Installations reported by Popcon: 27

   coinor-ipopt (#645075), offered yesterday
     Description: Interior-Point Optimizer, for large-scale nonlinear
     Reverse Depends: coinor-libipopt-dev coinor-libipopt0-dbg
     Installations reported by Popcon: 40

   coinor-osi (#645085), offered yesterday
     Description: COIN-OR Open Solver Interface
     Reverse Depends: coinor-libcbc0 coinor-libcgl0 coinor-libflopc++0
       coinor-libosi-dev coinor-libosi0-dbg coinor-libsymphony0
     Installations reported by Popcon: 104

   coinor-symphony (#645089), offered yesterday
     Description: COIN-OR solver for mixed-integer linear programs
     Reverse Depends: coinor-libsymphony-dev coinor-libsymphony0-dbg
     Installations reported by Popcon: 71

   coinor-vol (#645082), offered yesterday
     Description: Coin-or linear programming solver
     Reverse Depends: coinor-libcbc0 coinor-libcgl0 coinor-libosi0
       coinor-libsymphony0 coinor-libvol-dev coinor-libvol0-dbg
     Installations reported by Popcon: 108

   coinutils (#645077), offered yesterday
     Description: Coin-or collection of utility classes
     Reverse Depends: coinor-libcbc0 coinor-libcgl0 coinor-libclp-dev
       coinor-libclp0 coinor-libcoinutils-dev coinor-libcoinutils0-dbg
       coinor-libflopc++0 coinor-libosi0 coinor-libsymphony0
     Installations reported by Popcon: 109

   flowscan-cuflow (#644612), offered 6 days ago
     Description: A CGI interface for flowscan-cuflow
     Reverse Depends: flowscan-cugrapher
     Installations reported by Popcon: 57

131 older packages have been omitted from this listing, see for a complete list.


For the following packages help is requested:

   apt-xapian-index (#567955), requested 619 days ago
     Description: maintenance tools for a Xapian index of Debian packages
     Reverse Depends: adept ept-cache fuss-launcher packagesearch
     Installations reported by Popcon: 45424

   ara (#450876), requested 1432 days ago
     Description: utility for searching the Debian package database
     Installations reported by Popcon: 109

   asymptote (#517342), requested 958 days ago
     Description: script-based vector graphics language inspired by
     Installations reported by Popcon: 2736

   athcool (#278442), requested 2543 days ago
     Description: Enable powersaving mode for Athlon/Duron processors
     Installations reported by Popcon: 104

   balsa (#642906), requested 18 days ago
     Description: An e-mail client for GNOME
     Reverse Depends: balsa-dbg debreaper
     Installations reported by Popcon: 276

   bastille (#592137), requested 432 days ago
     Description: Security hardening tool
     Installations reported by Popcon: 293

   boinc (#511243), requested 1008 days ago
     Description: BOINC distributed computing
     Reverse Depends: boinc boinc-app-milkyway boinc-app-seti boinc-dbg
     Installations reported by Popcon: 1855

   cardstories (#624100), requested 171 days ago
     Description: Find out a card using a sentence made up by another
     Installations reported by Popcon: 5

   chromium-browser (#583826), requested 501 days ago
     Description: Chromium browser
     Reverse Depends: chromium chromium-browser chromium-browser-dbg
       chromium-browser-inspector chromium-browser-l10n chromium-dbg
       chromium-l10n gecko-mediaplayer mozplugger sun-java6-plugin
     Installations reported by Popcon: 8806

   cryptsetup (#600777), requested 358 days ago
     Description: configures encrypted block devices
     Reverse Depends: cryptsetup cryptsetup-udeb libcryptsetup-dev
       libguestfs0 libpam-mount ltsp-client mandos-client partman-crypto-dm
       rescue-mode systemd
     Installations reported by Popcon: 6786

   cvs (#354176), requested 2058 days ago
     Description: Concurrent Versions System
     Reverse Depends: cvs-autoreleasedeb cvs-buildpackage cvs2cl cvs2html
       cvschangelogbuilder cvsconnect cvsd cvsps cvsservice cvssuck (8 more
     Installations reported by Popcon: 18202

   dctrl-tools (#448284), requested 1447 days ago
     Description: Command-line tools to process Debian package
     Reverse Depends: aptfs debian-goodies debtree dlocate
       haskell-devscripts javahelper libsbuild-perl linux-patch-debianlogo
       postgresql-server-dev-all simple-cdd (1 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 14522

   debtags (#567954), requested 619 days ago
     Description: Enables support for package tags
     Reverse Depends: goplay packagesearch
     Installations reported by Popcon: 2592

   doc-central (#566364), requested 628 days ago
     Description: web-based documentation browser
     Installations reported by Popcon: 237

   dpkg (#282283), requested 2517 days ago
     Description: dselect: a user tool to manage Debian packages
     Reverse Depends: a2ps acct ace-gperf acl2-doc
       ada-reference-manual-info adacontrol advi advi-examples alien
       alqalam (605 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 114649

   elvis (#432298), requested 1557 days ago
     Description: powerful clone of the vi/ex text editor (with X11
     Reverse Depends: elvis elvis-console elvis-tools
     Installations reported by Popcon: 389

   fbcat (#565156), requested 638 days ago
     Description: framebuffer grabber
     Installations reported by Popcon: 134

   flightgear (#487388), requested 1209 days ago
     Description: Flight Gear Flight Simulator
     Installations reported by Popcon: 769

   flite (#576327), requested 558 days ago
     Description: A small run-time speech synthesis engine
     Reverse Depends: asterisk-flite brltty-flite eflite flite flite1-dev
       gnustep-gui-runtime gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad speech-dispatcher
     Installations reported by Popcon: 42149

   freeipmi (#628062), requested 140 days ago
     Description: GNU implementation of the IPMI protocol
     Reverse Depends: freeipmi-bmc-watchdog freeipmi-ipmidetect
       freeipmi-tools libfreeipmi-dev libfreeipmi10 libipmiconsole-dev
       libipmiconsole2 libipmidetect-dev libipmidetect0
       libipmimonitoring-dev (1 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 711

   gnat-4.4 (#539633), requested 1276 days ago
     Description: backport bug fixes from trunk (GCC 4.5)
     Reverse Depends: adabrowse adacgi0 ghdl gnat gnat-4.4 gnat-gps
       libadasockets3-dev libahven1-dev libahven17.0 libalog0.3-base (51
       more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 1300

   gnat-gps (#640532), requested 38 days ago
     Description: Build gnatcoll from the sources of GPS
     Reverse Depends: gnat-gps-dbg gnat-gps-doc
     Installations reported by Popcon: 378

   grub2 (#248397), requested 2712 days ago
     Description: GRand Unified Bootloader
     Reverse Depends: grml-rescueboot grml2usb grub grub-coreboot
       grub-coreboot-bin grub-disk grub-efi grub-efi-amd64
       grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-ia32 (17 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 102628

   gwibber (#573822), requested 578 days ago
     Description: microblogging client for GNOME
     Reverse Depends: gwibber gwibber-service-buzz gwibber-service-digg
       gwibber-service-facebook gwibber-service-flickr
       gwibber-service-foursquare gwibber-service-friendfeed
       gwibber-service-identica gwibber-service-pingfm
       gwibber-service-qaiku (4 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 925

   hfsprogs (#557892), requested 687 days ago
     Description: mkfs and fsck for HFS and HFS+ file systems
     Installations reported by Popcon: 1031

   hibernate (#558739), requested 682 days ago
     Description: smartly puts your computer to sleep (suspend to RAM or
     Installations reported by Popcon: 7903

   hotkey-setup (#483107), requested 1234 days ago
     Description: auto-configures laptop hotkeys
     Installations reported by Popcon: 5171

   jove (#470185), requested 1313 days ago
     Description: Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs - a compact, powerful
     Installations reported by Popcon: 935

   kvm (#479951), requested 1254 days ago
     Description: Full virtualization on x86 hardware (Need help with
       ia64, ppc and s390)
     Reverse Depends: nova-compute qemubuilder
     Installations reported by Popcon: 2453

   lesstif2 (#551853), requested 722 days ago
     Description: OSF/Motif 2.1 implementation released under LGPL
     Reverse Depends: alliance cmucl-clm ddd dx elk geomview grace grass
       gridengine-qmon hotswap-gui (46 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 16143

   libapache2-mod-python (#516501), requested 964 days ago
     Description: Python-embedding module for Apache 2
     Reverse Depends: check-mk-multisite dicoweb
     Installations reported by Popcon: 18658

   libcap2 (#534999), requested 837 days ago
     Description: support for getting/setting POSIX.1e capabilities
     Reverse Depends: apache2.2-bin asterisk autodir avahi-daemon bind9
       bind9-host bind9utils diod dnsutils gnome-keyring (78 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 104520

   libnss-db (#624768), requested 165 days ago
     Description: NSS module for using Berkeley Databases as a naming
     Installations reported by Popcon: 2892

   libreoffice (#419523), requested 1641 days ago
     Description: office productivity suite
     Reverse Depends: cli-uno-bridge docvert-libreoffice gnome-office
       jabref-plugin-oo jodreports-cli libjodconverter-java
       libjodreports-java libreoffice libreoffice-base
       libreoffice-base-core (244 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 39011

   link-grammar (#556010), requested 699 days ago
     Description: Carnegie Mellon University's link grammar parser for
     Reverse Depends: abiword-plugin-grammar liblink-grammar4
       liblink-grammar4-dev liblink-grammar4-java link-grammar
     Installations reported by Popcon: 11677

   logcheck (#539944), requested 800 days ago
     Description: mails anomalies in the system logfiles to the
     Reverse Depends: fiaif logcheck
     Installations reported by Popcon: 5297

   loop-aes-utils (#385614), requested 1869 days ago
     Description: Tools for mounting and manipulating filesystems
     Reverse Depends: partman-crypto-loop
     Installations reported by Popcon: 344

   mdadm (#537993), requested 813 days ago
     Description: tool to administer Linux MD arrays (software RAID)
     Reverse Depends: mdcfg-utils partman-md rescue-mode
     Installations reported by Popcon: 15713

   mediawiki-extensions (#484545), requested 1226 days ago
     Description: set of extensions for MediaWiki
     Reverse Depends: mediawiki-extensions
       mediawiki-extensions-collection mediawiki-extensions-confirmedit
       mediawiki-extensions-fckeditor mediawiki-extensions-geshi
       mediawiki-extensions-graphviz mediawiki-extensions-ldapauth
       mediawiki-extensions-openid mediawiki-semediawiki
     Installations reported by Popcon: 440

   monotone (#574609), requested 573 days ago
     Description: a distributed version (revision) control system; more
       maintainers needed
     Reverse Depends: monotone-doc monotone-extras monotone-server qct
     Installations reported by Popcon: 332

   movabletype-opensource (#572484), requested 588 days ago
     Description: Movable Type and OpenMelody packaging
     Installations reported by Popcon: 44

   mtr (#527482), requested 889 days ago
     Description: Full screen ncurses and X11 traceroute tool
     Installations reported by Popcon: 19942

   nas (#354174), requested 2058 days ago
     Description: The Network Audio System
     Reverse Depends: acm acm4 alsaplayer-nas djplay gbsplay
       isdnvboxclient libaudio-dev libgnuradio-qtgui0 libqt3-mt
       libqt3-mt-dev (18 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 53053

   nfs-utils (#616690), requested 221 days ago
     Description: NFS support files common to client and server
     Reverse Depends: fai-quickstart ltsp-server-standalone
       nfs-kernel-server rgmanager task-file-server
     Installations reported by Popcon: 93356

   nn (#470187), requested 1313 days ago
     Description: Heavy-duty USENET news reader (curses-based client)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 114

   openbox (#566900), requested 626 days ago
     Description: standards compliant, fast, light-weight, extensible
       window manager
     Reverse Depends: libobrender21 lxde-core obconf openbox openbox-dev
     Installations reported by Popcon: 4750

   openldap (#512360), requested 996 days ago
     Description: OpenLDAP server, libraries, and utilities
     Reverse Depends: adtool alpine am-utils aolserver4-nsldap
       apache2.2-bin asterisk-h323 asterisk-modules audispd-plugins
       autofs-ldap autofs5-ldap (208 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 106522

   openscenegraph (#392266), requested 1829 days ago
     Description: 3d scenegraph
     Reverse Depends: fgrun flightgear libopenscenegraph-dev
       libopenscenegraph80 libopenthreads-dev libopenwalnut1
       libopenwalnut1-dev libosgearth-dev libosgearth1 libossim1 (10 more
     Installations reported by Popcon: 451

   openssl (#332498), requested 2198 days ago
     Description: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related
       cryptographic tools
     Reverse Depends: 3270-common afflib-tools alpine amanda-client
       amanda-common amanda-server anon-proxy aolserver4-nsimap
       aolserver4-nsopenssl apache2-prefork-dev (668 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 109056

   otrs2 (#588363), requested 463 days ago
     Description: Open Ticket Request System
     Reverse Depends: otrs
     Installations reported by Popcon: 177

   piuparts (#584125), requested 499 days ago
     Description: piuparts.d.o is maintainance hungry, please help
     Reverse Depends: elida
     Installations reported by Popcon: 361

   piwik (#448532), requested 1445 days ago
     Description: real time web analytics software program

   plt-scheme (#402589), requested 1767 days ago
     Description: PLT scheme programming environment
     Reverse Depends: minlog
     Installations reported by Popcon: 297

   ppp (#589632), requested 451 days ago
     Description: Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) - daemon
     Reverse Depends: gpppon ipppd kppp network-manager-pptp portslave
       pppconfig pppdcapiplugin pppoe pppoeconf pptp-linux (8 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 44752

   proftpd-dfsg (#519175), requested 947 days ago
     Description: versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon
     Reverse Depends: gadmin-proftpd proftpd-dev proftpd-mod-autohost
       proftpd-mod-case proftpd-mod-dnsbl proftpd-mod-fsync
       proftpd-mod-geoip proftpd-mod-ldap proftpd-mod-msg proftpd-mod-mysql
       (5 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 7735

   pyro (#530280), requested 873 days ago
     Description: distributed object system for Python
     Reverse Depends: pyro-examples pyro-gui shinken-core
     Installations reported by Popcon: 884

   quilt (#543541), requested 779 days ago
     Description: Tool to work with series of patches
     Reverse Depends: broadcom-sta-source gcc-4.4-source gcc-4.5-source
       gcc-4.6-source gpib-modules-source gquilt meego-packaging-tools
       mozilla-devscripts nvidia-kernel-legacy-173xx-source
       nvidia-kernel-legacy-71xx-source (4 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 11688

   rng-tools (#630920), requested 117 days ago
     Description: Daemon to use a Hardware TRNG
     Installations reported by Popcon: 549

   sepolgen (#483641), requested 1231 days ago
     Description: A Python module used in SELinux policy generation
     Reverse Depends: policycoreutils
     Installations reported by Popcon: 9825

   serna-free (#640976), requested 34 days ago
     Reverse Depends: serna-dbg
     Installations reported by Popcon: 53

   sql-ledger (#472709), requested 1297 days ago
     Description: A web based double-entry accounting program
     Installations reported by Popcon: 102

   wine (#479659), requested 1255 days ago
     Description: Windows API implementation
     Reverse Depends: dssi-vst libwine-alsa libwine-capi libwine-cms
       libwine-dbg libwine-dev libwine-esd libwine-gl libwine-gphoto2
       libwine-jack (13 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 13801

   yasr (#474251), requested 1287 days ago
     Description: General-purpose console screen reader
     Installations reported by Popcon: 55

   zookeeper (#579791), requested 531 days ago
     Description: Information management inside a cluster. Part of the
       hadoop family.
     Reverse Depends: libzookeeper-dev libzookeeper-java-doc
       python-zookeeper zookeeper zookeeper-bin zookeeperd
     Installations reported by Popcon: 4

See for more information.

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