"Philip" == Philip Hands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> My first attempt at this was to add these lines to the scripts:
>  # These variables are for the use of the scripts run by run-parts
>  PPP_IFACE="$1"
>  PPP_TTY="$2"
>  PPP_SPEED="$3"
>  PPP_LOCAL="$4"
>  PPP_REMOTE="$5"

>  run-parts /etc/ppp/ip-up.d

"Alex" == Alex Yukhimets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Why not as the same command-line arguments?  

I like Phil's schema better, since it eliminates the evil coupling
between the ordering of the cmd-line arguments with the values we're
trying to pass.  So we'd have to change every ip-(up|down) script if
the ordering ever changed.   However, giving them names does introduce
a new convention, namely the variable names themselves.   Less of the
two evils I think.

> And there is one thing
> which I would qualify as a mistake in the above description: $2 is
> actually in the form "/dev/ttyS1" than just "ttyS1".

Doh!  I wish they wouldn't do that.  I guess it's for some kinda

.....A. P. [EMAIL PROTECTED]<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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