On Sat, Dec 20, 1997 at 10:49:08PM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
> I have an envelope on my desk containing a xerox copy of my driver's
> license. I have been instructed to send it in so that I can finish getting
> approved as a maintainer.  There's just one problem: I need an address to
> send it to. I've emailed new-maintainer about this and gotten no
> response. Can someone who is not going on vacation please supply the
> appropriate address?

A scan of it sent to new-maintainer worked for me, if you have
access to a scanner. Make sure you write your PGP fingerprint
on it, for verification.

I don't know the postal address, sorry. I doubt posting it
to me to scan would be very efficient either, especially
at this time of year :-)

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