Wichert Akkerman wrote:
> I was poking around the bitchx sources to see if I could make a new
> package since the current one is somewhat (lightly put) outdated.
> After some studying I discovered that there are many things not present
> in the bitchx sources, but that are common to all irc clients. Things
> like scripts and helpfiles could be shared by multiple clients. The
> current bitchx source use the helfiles from epic, for example.

I made a non-maintainer release of bitchx a while ago. Unfortunately, it got
moved into HELD_FOR_GUY, and then it inexplicably vanished. I no longer
have the source package. :-( I do have my changelog, which you may find 
somehow helpful:

bitchx (0.74p1-0.0) unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer release.
  * New upstream release (#10600, #11351), with pristine source.
  * Libc6, at long last, and no longer statically linked (#13186).
  * Modified source/wserve.c to #include <iovec.h>, so it will build.
  * Stripped binaries (#13602)
  * Added a debian menu system entry.
  * Fixed rules file to actually run make distclean in the clean stage.
  * Use dpkg-shlibdeps.
  * Modified source/Makefile.in to add /etc/bitchx/ to IRCPATH so bitchx can
    still find /etc/bitchx/bxglobal.
  * Don't install a /man directory in the root. (#9593, #10967, #12028)
  * Move cdrom.so to /usr/lib/. I don't know if this works, I have no cd 
    drive. (#11084)
  * Renamed the package to just plain "bitchx".
  * Updated location of source in copyright file.
  * Renamed bitchx's wserv is named wserv.bitchx so it doesn't conflict with
  * Removed README.debian, it just duplicated info from the copyright file.
  * The upstream source no longer contains extensive documentation or bitchx
    scripts. So I have removed the bitch-doc and bitchx-lib packages for
    now. They should be re-made as seperate packages, with presumably separate
    upstream sources.
  * The old bitchx diff was a 17 thousand line monstrosity. It involved
    changes for debianization plus what looked like a patch up to a new
    upstream version of bitchx. I ignored 99.99% of it. So I can't guarentee
    that this version will work as expected. It has had some testing by the
    crowd on #debian, however.

 -- Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Thu, 20 Nov 1997 13:07:48 -0500

I've also got the binary package, not that it's going to do anybody but me
any good. :-(

A word of advise: it'll be much eisier to scrap the current bitchx debian
package, and start over, than to clean it up from scratch like I did above.
> Maintaining bitchx (and possibly other clients) would be quiete easy if
> we did the same for irc as was done for fvwm and related window managers:
> we can make an irci-common package which is shared by multiple irc clients.
> Each client need only depend on ircii-common and supply it's own binaries
> and client-specific help/scripts.
> I'm no hero with irc, so if the irc-experts could comment on this proposal,
> please do so..

As you can see in my changelog above, I had a conflict with other irc's 
wserv and bitchx's, and so I just renamed it's wserv to wserv.bitchx and
made bitchx use that one.

The only problem with your idea is that the different irc clients are
diverging. Maybe tomorrow the bitchx or epic author will decide they want
wserv to act differently. Then we're in trouble. Also, making bitchx use
epic's help files is not very good, since they have some different commands.
I haven't done any irc scripting, but I din't see any reason why the clients
arn't going to diverge there, either. So, all in all, I'm not sure if
anything is left to go into this irc-common package.

see shy jo

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