> I don't know if this is a bug with procmail(3.10.7-1.5), exim (1.81-1), or
> me, so I thought I would ask. I recently switched to exim from smail on my
> hamm (currently as up to date as possible) which unfortunately bounced all
> of my mail. It seems that exim doesn't like the mail filter pipe used by
> procmail in my .forward. The error message is below whivh also includes a
> copy of my .forward. Any ideas what is wrong? It seems to me that somehow
> the blank assigned to IFS is not being passed properly. Any help is
> gratefully appreciated. Cheers.

This .forward file worked for me for procmail on exim:

"|/usr/bin/procmail USER=jimtest"

It took a bit of trial and error to figure that one out.

I'm not sure what -Qf- does, you might want to add that too.

Hope that helps...


 - Jim

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