| On Tuesday, 30 December 97, at 10:39:46 PM
| Joey wrote about "Libc6 progress: 1997-12-28"
> Eloy A. Paris wrote:
>> Hey!! Somebody give Adam an account on master!!! :-) He will port to
>> libc6 the remaining libc5 packages :-)
Just to mention, I haven't received the message that was quoted above, ie from
Eloy Paris.

> Adam wrote
>> : I wish I had a life outside Quake.
> Hey Adam, you want to maintain quake too? Maybe you can port it to libc6. ;-)

Sure, why not.  I am currently not maintaining anything.  I have just had a lot
of time(not much work currently), and my computer wasn't doing anything
productive.  Is this source available?  BTW, that line is just part of my quote

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