I apologize profusely for this posting.  Here it goes again.  Before I get
started, yes, I have read the nice mail from Linux about the kernel headers,
and I have respectfully read the many emails I have received on this topic
from thoughtful developers.  But I am still confused.  I am sorry, but I
still have questions about this.  This time my confusion begins from having
installed the new libc6-dev package, which demands to have the
kernel-headers-2.0.32 and linux-kernel-source-2.0.32 installed.  I was able
to install using --ignore-depends=linux-kernel-headers-2.0.32.

However, this troubles me.  Mind you (all) I am not saying that what you are
doing is wrong.  I am just saying that it's a bit more of a kludge than I
wish to deal with to have to remember that since I am using a debian system
I have to go through another whole procedure to compile anything, in
particular a kernel.  

This letter from Linux has been around since when, but can I ask, if this
method is truly better, why have the REAL linux kernel sources not yet
adopted it?  Now I read that I can go ahead and compile the other kernels,
but I have to remember another switch.  A slight expedience?  Not to me, of
such little knowledge, I fear.  

So let me now ask, I hope politely, whether I HAVE to do things this other
recommended way, purportedly so much better that Debian is putting one up on
Linus, or is it safe to do things the normal linux way?  (Ie., following the
instructions in a kernel source package).  I have been doing to, and have
had no recent trouble with 2.0.X kernels, but I haven't been able to get PPP
to run on 2.1.{67,71,72, or 73} kernels, although they did compile.

I appreciate the work that the developers have been putting into this
system.  Thank you to each and every person who has donated time to this
project.  I still hope that one day I will be able to contribute something
in return.

Alan Davis


"I consider that the golden rule requires       Alan E. Davis            
that if I like a program I must share it        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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                                                AAA196, Box 10001         
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