
Dne Fri, 23 Mar 2012 13:35:34 +0100
Svante Signell <svante.sign...@telia.com> napsal(a):

> On Fri, 2012-03-23 at 14:16 +0200, Andrei Popescu wrote:
> > On Vi, 23 mar 12, 00:07:43, Svante Signell wrote:
> > > 
> > > Please, don't make things unbearably complicated in case something
> > > breaks!!! Network *should* work also in console mode... 
> > 
> > I'm not a big fan of Network Manager, but this is unfair: if you click 
> > "Make available to all users" the connection will be available also on 
> > the console.
> Are you talking about clicking "..." when in X then? How does that solve
> the problem when X does not work?
> Can the Network Manager be controlled/started/configured in console mode
> when X is not running? If the answer to the above questions is yes,
> maybe that setting (making Network Manager work also without X) would be
> the default!

Yes, Network Manager comes with nmcli, so you can control it from
command line. For using system settings you might want to
check /usr/share/doc/network-manager/README.Debian.

All you need is to read the documentation and adjust setup to your
needs. There is no one default setup which would fit all.

Anyway this is really OT in this thread (if I exclude the fact that FUD
against NM is almost same widespread as against systemd).

        Michal Čihař | http://cihar.com | http://blog.cihar.com

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