On Mon, 26 Mar 2012 01:20:10 +0200
Goswin von Brederlow <goswin-...@web.de> wrote:

> There might be a good reason why the ITP is staled, like your own
> example with copyright issues. What would you say if someone else just
> ignored your ITP and uploaded the package without clearing up the
> copyright issues or even uploading a different package hijacking your
> package name? When you have to resolve legal issues with upstream a
> delay of a month or two is nothing.
> MfG

As long as there are comments in the ITP to this effect, fine. An ITP
which just sits there for months on end without any comment or upload
is unhelpful to everyone. If there are problems, then the ITP is one
place where those problems can be shared and others may be able to help.


Neil Williams

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