Christian Schwarz wrote:
[Immediate-Configure: Yes field]

If I recall correctly, there were two reasons for delaying the
configuration step until all packages had been unpacked:

   1.- Packages are more likely to have their dependencies satisfied if
       all of the packages being installed have been unpacked.

   2.- Some configurations are interactive, and it is annoying to have
       to stay at the console while the packages are being unpacked.

An Immediate-Configure field is not going to help with 1.  The way to
solve that is to unpack the packages in the right order.  That might
be too much to attempt just before the hamm release, but I think it
would be the best solution if it is possible.

An Immediate-Configure field will help with 2, but I think there is a
better solution.  If there is a way to specify that a package's
postinst is _not interactive_, then dpkg can attempt to configure
those packages right away; there is no reason not to try.  (If
dependencies are not satisfied, it can try again after all packages
have been unpacked.)

Richard Braakman

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