Originally on debian-announce, but it seems development related...

> Before 2036 we must define "time_t", to be a 64-bit variable instead of
> a 32-bit one, and recompile all programs. This is a very simple process
> compared to the anguish the non-Unix world is going through - we go
> through more work to produce a major release of Debian. Once time_t is
> a 64 bit variable, it's good for another 4000 years.

Don't you think you're overstating this just a bit? What about programs
that store time_t's in ints? Or write them out to some kind of storage?
What about compatibility with other software (netscape or staroffice,
for example) that you can't recompile? (Yes, I know they're not part of
the distribution, but it's unrealistic to ignore them.) If it were as
easy as you're making it out to be, it would have already been done.

Michael Stone, Sysadmin, ITRI     PGP: key 1024/76556F95 from mit keyserver,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            finger, or email with "Subject: get pgp key" 

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