On Friday 11 May 2012 06:29 PM, Touko Korpela wrote:
> I think it would be nice if power saving options (SATA,USB,wireless
> etc.) were turned on by default when running on laptop.
> Powertop can report which kernel tunables are set (and you can use it to
> turn individual options on/off).
> Laptop task installs pm-utils by default.
> There is also optional laptop-mode-tools with some overlap with pm-utils.
> TLP Linux Advanced Power Management is another option (not yet in Debian)
> https://github.com/linrunner/TLP/wiki/TLP-Linux-Advanced-Power-Management
For laptop-mode-tools, it is enabled by default. We have a whilelist of
modules that are ON when you install. And all of what you have mentioned
is already in the whitelist.

Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT - http://www.researchut.com
"Necessity is the mother of invention."

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