Le vendredi 18 mai 2012 17:41:55, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo a écrit :
> 2012/5/18 Neil Williams <codeh...@debian.org>:
> > There's a big difference between these bugs and the rest - here there
> > are clear migration paths to later packages which can be used to triage
> > the bug reports in order not to lose reports. A lot of the rest *can*
> > be closed without more triage work because the package was removed, not
> > replaced. e.g. gcc-4.4 bugs may be applicable with gcc-4.7 and need to
> > be triaged. The opensync/multisync bugs just had to be closed without
> > even looking at any of them.
> Yes, I fully agree with that for the packages-removed-for-good.
> The thing is that a big % of the initial bugs (1500+ when I brought
> this up, 1200+ now) is made up of the "gcc like" cases: gcc, emacs,
> linux, libdb, python2.4, various java stuff, tomcat5.5...
> I don't know if they're 30, 50 or 80%, but definitely there is a big
> amount of real bugs still related to current software shipped in
> Debian.
> Another question, perhaps unrelated is, what happens with the bugs
> closed from egroupware or salome (removed from unstable/testing but
> still present in stable releases) when their users look for them in
> the BTS?  They would be closed and archived, I suppose, and users of
> stable wouldn't be able to find them easily -- and them maybe report
> them again.

According to [1] salome is not part of any debian release now. Did I miss 
something? IIRW, for package still in stable, if the -done mail contains the 
right version then the bug will still be visible as long as it affects stable.

[1] http://packages.qa.debian.org/s/salome.html

> So at the moment I left those bugs alone.  I assume that they will be
> autodeleted by some process when they're not present in stable
> anymore, but perhaps are wrong and that's why there are such high
> number of orphan bugs.
> Cheers.


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