On 26/05/12 19:43, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez <clo...@igalia.com> writes:
>> On 26/05/12 19:13, Russ Allbery wrote:
>>> I find some of the assertions in this thread confusing.  I've been
>>> using tmpfs /tmp on my laptop for quite some time and have watched
>>> hour-long movies via the Adobe Flash player and have never noticed any
>>> unexpected consumption of space in /tmp.
>>> Are you sure that video streaming via Adobe's Flash player works the
>>> way that you seem to think it works?
>> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=666096
> That bug contains little actual information, not even what software was
> being used.

Ok... so you want a prove?

* Open with iceweasel http://vimeo.com/13726978
* Ensure that is playing with flashplayer (right click on the movie
should show the typical dialog that includes "about flashplayer"
* Now launch:
  watch df -h /tmp/
* And see how the space used grows.

*Important*: use "df -h /tmp" NOT "du -hs /tmp", since the flash player
deletes the file entry from /tmp as soon as it gets the inode allocated.
I believe this a measure to "prevent" piracy (people ripping the video
from /tmp)


ls -l /proc/$(ps aux|grep libf[l]ashplayer.so|awk '{print $2}')/fd

And see how there is an entry pointing to /tmp/FlashXXXXXX that appears
as deleted but you can still access it. Just open /proc/pid/fd/number
with vlc for example


Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez                           http://neutrino.es
Igalia - Free Software Engineering                http://www.igalia.com

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