On Tue, Jan 06, 1998 at 11:42:52AM -0500, Dale Scheetz wrote:
> When I try a new kernel and it doesn't work, I only have to edit
> lilo.config an run lilo to get back to the old one (actually I always
> leave hooks in lilo to get back to the "old" kernel). No package
> installation is required.
> I will also never feel comfortable with an automatic process editing my
> lilo.config file. I am set up to boot several linux partitions as well as
> a dos partition and a loop-root system. I am much happier editing that
> beast myself thankyou ;-)

kernel-package's scripts don't edit lilo.conf. You have two symlinks,
/vmlinuz and /vmlinuz.old, which point to the current and previous kernels.
The scripts just change the symlinks. By default, lilo.conf boots 
/vmlinuz; it's handy to add an entry to boot /vmlinuz.old too.

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