In a private email to me, Gergely Madarasz wrote:
> Btw, I just see the note in the changelog that you dont have time to
> maintain lyx... i could take it over.

Well, that note was accurate at the time I wrote it. :-) I'm about to
start full-time work, so I should have more time to maintain Debian
packages than I did whilst at university.

The key problem is Internet access. I have several accounts, all at
Monash University:

  * Computer center systems ([EMAIL PROTECTED],
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]). These will be deleted any time
    soon (they're staff accounts, I no longer work as a casual at Monash.)
  * Yoyo account ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Should last until at
    least March, possibly April or May depending on the sysadmin.
  * Novell account ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Will be disabled at
    the end of February.
  * Accounts on Linux systems in the library ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
    Should last indefinitely (I know the sysadmin ;-)

I'm intending to get myself a permanent connection to my home (yes, I'm
addicted to email, amongst other things :-) When that happens, I'll be
picking up again with the project:

  * LyX (if nobody else has taken it over. I'm _sure_ somebody said that
    he'd do it..)
  * fsp (it seems to be unwanted, unloved, ... ;-)
  * Modula-3 (compiles into packages just fine with libc5; there are
    issues to deal with under libc6.)
  * cvsup (once Modula-3 is working properly.)

I should be back in action within a month or two. As for LyX -- the best
way to proceed would probably be to package 0.11.46 or something of the
sort. (0.12.0pre6, perhaps?)

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