On Tue, Jan 06, 1998 at 04:30:00AM +0100, Sten Anderson wrote:
> Christian Schwarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Yesterday, I wrote a script that scans our whole archive for .dsc files
> > (Debian source package description files) and outputs some statistics
> > regarding the `Standards-Version' fields, that is, which policy version
> > the packages "claim" to comply with (according to the maintainer).
> Now you are at it, I suggest that you also scan the archive for packages 
> that fails to include a "Section" and/or "Priority" field. It is far
> too many, and it is quite annoying.

This has reminded me about something that really bugs me :-(

I'm writing a program so that I can so all my downloading at work. However I
hit a problem - I cannot tell which packages are in non-us (for which I go
to a different, slower, site).

Is there a way to handle this (and similarly for experimental etc.)? It
would be nice to be able to look at a "Distribution:" field and a
"Filename:" field to find out exactly where a package is.

And now for some optimisation. My program (and dpkg too I imagine) expects
each package in available (and status) to be in a paragraph, but it imposes
no restriction on the formatting of that paragraph. I wonder what the
speed-up would be if we imposed an ordering on the paragraphs (note that
this would *not* prevent future expansion). All those reg-exps can't be as
efficient as a search for a specific string.


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