Thanks to the advice of a good man, I'll try to resume my point of view to 
avoid repeating once and again.

First, I find ground on our Policy:

> Recommends
>     This declares a strong, but not absolute, dependency.
>     The Recommends field should list packages that would be found together 
with this one in all but unusual installations.

Gnome can not work without GTK. But it can work without Network-Manager. Gnome 
and GTK will be found together always (at least, everytime Gnome is 
installed). Gnome and Network-Manager will be found together in all usual 
installations, but not on unusual ones. People who wants Gnome with all bells 
and whistles but find that Network-Manager does break their systems are not 
the core of our user base, but they are a considerable sector of it. Their 
installations qualify as "unusual installations" since they are not the 
majority, and they are enough to fire this rule. The rule does not distinguish 
between binary packages and metapackages.

Second, Debian is not Gnome. With this I want to make clear that Gnome view 
about what is and what is not core on their desktop (not to forget it's 
theirs) is important, but it should be not conclusive. Our duty as a 
distribution who cares for its users is to start with upstream software with 
upstream views and decisions, and the to put it together for a working set 
that fits our users. Sometimes we need to patch code, sometimes we need to 
remove pieces that are non-free, sometimes we divide codebases into several 
packages, for the sake of easing the management of Debian and the wellness of 
our users. As an example near to the thread, gnome nor gnome-core packages 
depend on Mono, while it is considered core by upstream.

Third, Network-Manager is not any other piece of Gnome. It should be trated 
differently from other like, say, Epiphany or Evince. Let's see the cases.
* For Epiphany, where epiphany-browser, which is a Depends of gnome-core, is 
installed in every (Debian) Gnome distribution, there are alternatives. If a 
user wants to use Chromium or Firefox or Konqueror instead, Epiphany will not 
interfere. User just installs the desired package (well, we do not provide 
Firefox as is, but a rebranded one that enhances my second point) and he's 
working. Also, if user wants to remove the unused epiphany-browser package, he 
can do so since there is a declared alternative Depends: gnome-www-browser, 
and if user has iceweasel or chromium installed he will be fine and nothing 
will break (not the same for Konqueror).
* For Evince, situation is a bit worse. It can be freely ignored if you want 
to use, say Okular or Xpdf, and it will still not interfere with you way of 
working, but you can not remove it without getting your whole desktop 
uninstalled. Anyway, since it does not annoy the user, it can be simply 
*For Network-Manager, situation is very different. It breaks the network 
configuration of some users (a sensible fraction of), so it is not a simple 
case of "I want to use another program/method of doing foo". It is a case of 
"This program needs to go out of my system". It can not be simply ignored and 
an alternative used, since N-M messes with the alternative if it is installed.

Fourth, the chain that forces installation of netowrk-manager from gnome is 
quite curious. There are other chains that link even dpkg with gnome-manager 
like this one:

dpkg                    Sugiere    apt
apt                     Sugiere    aptitude | synaptic | wajig
wajig                   Sugiere    reportbug
reportbug               Sugiere    claws-mail
claws-mail              Depende    libpisock9
libpisock9              Sugiere    evolution
evolution               Sugiere    network-manager

But those are chains of Suggest, that are not installed by default. Instead, 
look at this:

gnome                   Depende    gnome-core
gnome-core              Depende    network-manager-gnome
network-manager-gnome   Depende    network-manager

This is a quite stronger Depends chain, but carefully looking at it it happens 
that it jumps through a package that installs just an applet. I do not see how 
it is correct that an applet (network-manager-gnome) ends up breaking the 
network configuration deserves being a Depends chain.

Fifth, gnome-core is just core components. I do not see an applet fit there, 
an applet is more likely on "all bellas and whistles" space, so it should not 
Depends on network-manager.

Sixth, the amount of work needed for Debian to have gnome-core Recommends 
network-manager-gnome is minimal. The amount of work saved for our users 
(those of them who need to get rid of network-manager) is enormous.

Seventh, the user by user solutions previously proposed on this list do not 
fit majority of our users. I'm very happy that our developers have such a 
level of familiarity with packaging tools and scripting: that makes Debian a 
better distribution, but our users do not have such skills. If a user asks me 
how to get rid of that manager that is messing his network while still having 
his Desktop, I want to be able to say him "Write this command and you're done" 
instead of
> - Grab the control file of the meta-package
>   (~1 line in shell, use grep-aptavail)
> - Filter out unwanted packages from depends
>   (~5-6 lines in shell)
> - Create a local package, under a different name, with the updated
>   information
>   (~10-20 lines, use equivs)
> === 5 minutes so far ===
> - Push it into a local repository
>   (~2-3 lines, use whatever, reprepro, mini-dinstall, or cat <<EOF)
> - Put the local repo in sources.list
> - apt-get update & install your shiny new meta-package
> - Hook all that into Apt::Update::Post-invoke
which is absolutely unfit for our users.

Eighth, use cases are like these:
a) Novice user with a laptop. This user installs Debian once, with Gnome, and 
network-manager helps him to connect wired and wireless. He uses only high 
end, probably graphical package managers.
b) Novice user with a desktop. This user installs Debian once, with Gnome, and 
network-manager does not help sensibly, since a simple 'iface etho inet dhcp' 
stanza will make him the same service, but it does hurt. He uses only high 
end, probably graphical package managers.
c) Advanced user with a laptop. This user installs Debian several times, and 
maybe follows the bleeding edge of sid. network-manager helps him to connect 
wireless, but pisses him when he tries to connect a smartphone. He uses 
aptitude and some times apt-get.
d) Advanced user with a desktop. This user installs Debian several times, and 
maybe follows the bleeding edge of sid. He does not need network-manager at 
all, but can live with. He uses aptitude and some times apt-get.
e) User a fixed IP system. This user does not need to be skilled in Debian, 
but has probably installed it a couple of times. It may be that he runs a home 
web server, or just that the system needs to be available via ssh. network-
manager does not mess his network configuration, managed from 
/etc/network/interfaces, but his applications like Pidgin or Evolution do not 
work. He feels comfortable with aptitude and maybe grokking a bit, but he is 
not a Debian packaging expert.
f) Network admin with bridges and other nonstandard configrations. network-
manager do not fit him at all. He feels comfortable with aptitude and maybe 
grokking a bit, but he is not a Debian packaging expert.
g) Debian developer. He has installed Debian zillions of times, just for the 
sake. He is proficient both with aptitude and scripting dpkg, and he is a 
Debian packaging expert.
Let's review for each of these cases the impact of both Depends and 
a) This user uses a package manager which installs Recommends by default. He 
will be as happy with Depends as he is for Recommends.
b) Same
c) This user uses a package manager which installs Recommends by default, but 
knows how to remove a Recommends package if needed. It is up to him to decide 
if doing so or not. But as the system works as-is, he will be as happy with 
Depends as he is for Recommends.
d) Same
e) This user having a Depends will not be happy. he wants his system, up and 
running, with all applications up and running, including Evolution, but 
Evolution does not work. He has no options: he can not remove network-manager 
without having his entire desktop removed, but also he can not use a custom 
package without the dependency or with equivs. But this same user having 
Recommends will be happy, as he just does "aptitude remove network-manager", 
network-manager-gnome gets removed as well, and he's done. Nothing else 
removed (besides maybe some libs). Evolution starts working magically.
f) Mostly same, but he needs network-manager positively out of his life. This 
user can even think on running "dpkg -P --force-depends network-manager 
network-manager-gnome" after each "aptitude install" run.
g) This user is able to cope with whichever solution, including custom 
I think use cases e) and f) are a fraction important enough of our user base.

As a side note, I would create a different package myself, but I think I'm not 
skilled enough (I maintain only two low-movement, no code packages). I'm an 
example of use case f, and solutions previously given on this list do not fit 

Hope this all helps

Noel Torres
er Envite

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