On 08/08/12 03:16, Ulrich Dangel wrote:
> Currently the default PATH for Debian does not include /sbin, /usr/sbin, nor
> /usr/local/sbin. If an user wants to run a program in either /sbin/ or 
> /usr/sbin
> the full path must be specified.
> Some programs don't necessarily need root privileges like blkid, iwconfig,
> ifconfig, service etc. and can be partially useful for the normal user.
> If a program requires root privileges, sudo is nowadays a standard solution  
> (the
> debian installer even automatically installs sudo undder specific 
> circumstances).
> To run a program as root with sudo the user must specify the correct path, 
> e.g.
> sudo /usr/sbin/visudo instead of just sudo visudo or su -c visudo.
> Changing the default PATH for normal users to include /sbin, /usr/sbin as 
> well as
> /usr/local/sbin would be a great thing for simplifying command line usage for
> normal users.
> If /sbin, /usr/sbin and /usr/local/sbin are added at the end of the PATH there
> should be no problems for existing environments if there are programs with the
> same name in /sbin and /bin…
> I know that these changes are late in the release cycle so I suggest to make 
> the
> changes for Jessie.

I think this is a great idea :)

You can't imagine how much I blame Debian each time I have to type the
full path "/sbin/ifconfig" as a non-root user on virtual servers to just
know the IP address the DHCP server assigned to the machine.

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