> Thanks for using NetForward!
> http://www.netforward.com
> v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v
> > > Is anyone maintaining the Debian installation manual?
> > > I know that Sven is no longer doing it. If not,
> > > we will need a volunteer.
> > 
> > I'd like to maintain it.  I plan to  be active on the 
> [snip]
> Great!
> One change that is needed is to change lines such as
> <A HREF="ftp:rawrite2.exe">rawrite2.exe</A>
> to
> <A HREF="rawrite2.exe">rawrite2.exe</A>

I am afraid this is the shortcoming of debiandoc-sgml which generates the text 
and html versions.  Should I manually (using a script) change the URLs after 
generating the html version?

> This will allow the same pages to be used on an ftp site or
> on a web site.
> A few shortcomings of the current install docs:
> They don't even mention fips anywhere, let alone how to use it to avoid
> having to reinstall windoze (The developer who creates the tools to safely
> ,i.e. non-destructively, modify existing partitions during the installation
> should get the Most Valuable Developer of the year award). 

Partition Magic does it just fine with FAT/FAT32 partitions, but it costs 
> Newbies could really use some guidance on deciding how big to make partitions.
> Divide into more pages so it doesn't seem so intimidating.
> We already have the easiest to maintain distribution. We could really get some
> converts if it was the easiest to install. Good clear instructions
> really make a difference.

Ok, suggestions recorded.  I also plan to heavily modify the bootdisk install 
instructions.  From my experience with helping people on #debian and 
debian-user, the instructions are not clear enough.  Another thing I want to 
add is a section describing PPP setup (or maybe at least point to relevant 
docs) since it seems to be the most frequently asked newbie question.

Any more suggestions?

Proudly running Debian Linux! Linux vs. Windows is a no-Win situation....
Igor Grobman           [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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