On 30.08.2012 00:31, Peter Samuelson wrote:
> [Russ Allbery]
>> All PAM modules are installed under /lib, because that's the path
>> used by libpam to load them.  However, I don't think the vast
>> majority of PAM modules could be considered critical for early boot
>> or need to be usable without /usr mounted
> It seems pam already looks in both /lib/security and /lib/{triplet}/security.
> Why not add /usr/lib/{triplet}/security to the mix?

Imho moving pam modules around is just wasted (maintainer) time.
A much more sensible approach is to just lift the /-vs-/usr restriction.
The obvious way is to not use a separate /usr anymore or simply mount
/usr via the initramfs.

Wasn't there a patch for initramfs-tools floating around doing that?


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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