I just noticed that 2 versions of netcat are in incoming. Last night, I didn't realize this, and assumming that netcat was libc and noboday was working on it, I decided to fix it, and uploaded version 1.10-4. (I'm not the maintainer either, but I assummed the package was orphaned, so didn't do a non-maintainer release.). Oops, you got there first, way back in december!
I see some overlap in the changelogs. Your version has: netcat (1.10-3.1) unstable; urgency=low * Fixes /usr/doc/netcat * Adds man page * Compiled with -O2 and -DTELNET Mine has: netcat (1.10-4) unstable; urgency=low * Updated to "new" source format. (#9489) * Libc6. (#11716) * Orphaned the package. * Fixed up description in control file to conform with policy, short description doesn't include package name now. * Fixed documentation location to comply with current policy. (#13194, #11530, #9785) * Wrote a man page. (#9785, #5304, #6647) * Rewrote debian/rules to use debhelper. * Install upstream changelog. I've now taken it upon myself to resolve this by releasing 1.10-5, which merges the man pages (mine was longer, but yours was better in places; the diff of the 2 is amusing :-), and compiles with -DTELNET. Sorry for the confusion. -- see shy jo -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .