On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 06:09:55 Michael Gilbert wrote:
> I would prefer to see even more autonomy for the salvager and less
> bugging of various lists (ITPs on -devel are already distracting
> enough).  With that, I would like to suggest rewriting steps 2-4 as:
>     2.  Salvager uploads liberal (10-day delayed) nmus as needed to bring
>          the package into a better maintained state.
>     3.  After a period of 3 months of contributing as an nmuer or with
>         maintainers approval prior to that, salvager is free to add
>         himself/herself as a package uploader.
>     4.  After 6 more months without contribution from the original
>         maintainer, the salvager is free at his or her discretion to
>         remove the original maintainer.
>     5.  The salvager should do his/her best to address original mantainer's
>         concerns in a manner that would please them, and any unresolvable
>         conflicts should be deferred to the Technical Committee.
> Note that this process was pretty much the one I followed to salvage
> wine.  Also, the python maintainer Tech Committee decision would have
> been much easier if the people complaining had been following this
> kind of process where there would have been evidence that their nmus
> were contributing to a better package.  It eliminates the complaints
> without action issue.

Thanks Michael, this is clear, straightforward and effective strategy.
I like it. The only question is what to do (and how long to wait) before first 
NMU upload.


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