Dear Debian maintainers,

I raised this issue about math font dependency in Iceweasel a couple of time ago but I still don't see any changes at The issue was discussed again on the LaTeXML mailing list, so I'm going to report it again.

Basically, Iceweasel must not depend on ttf-lyx, ttf-mathematica4.1, xfonts-mathml or any other font packages that would lead to the installation of Computer Modern fonts or Mathematica fonts. These old fonts were used a long time ago in Gecko's MathML engine but now they may give weird rendering bugs if they are still installed. However, the dependency on otf-stix should be preserved and possibly a dependency on fonts-oflb-asana-math should be added:

It would also be great to make Iceweasel depend on the MathJax fonts as they look more like the old Computer Modern fonts. There is one debian package for MathJax here: but the MathJax fonts should probably be distributed in a separate mathjax-fonts package and the Iceweasel and Mathjax package should depend on that new package mathjax-fonts.

The fonts for Iceweasel can be tested in the MathML torture test:

Can the maintainer of the Iceweasel and MathJax package please do something to address this issue?

Thank you,

Frédéric Wang

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