On Mi, 16 ian 13, 16:01:00, Paul Johnson wrote:
> I installed Wheezy beta 4 from CD and was surprised that compiz window
> manager was removed.  Compiz is the best thing about Linux, that's a
> shame. I tracked down some explanations, don't want to start a flame
> war about that decision.
> But, even though Debian is not including compiz, I still love it and
> am going to build compiz and use it. My plan is to get the compiz
> source packages from the most recent Wheezy which did include compiz.
> But I'm having trouble finding that and understanding the way the
> repositories fit together. The Wheezy repo that was testing during the
> Squeeze time is a different thing from the Wheezy that is Wheezy
> release beta 4? Right? In Wheezy beta 4, why can't I see the same
> compiz files that I could see when I ran Squeeze with the wheezy repo
> enabled in apt?

This question is better suited for debian-user. You could also fetch the 
last compiz version that was in wheezy from snapshot.debian.org.

Kind regards,
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